Either find a way, or make one.

NOVAS. twenty+, filipino (gmt+8), ientp, librarian and information specialist major. in my spare time i read meta and summon dragons.


Currently Into: Fate Grand Order, FFXIV, Arknights, Shin Megami Tensei, Kamen Rider, Super Sentai, Assassin's Creed.

Most of the things I like are from JP media!Anime and MangaVideo Games, primarily RPGs, rhythm games and farming/crafting simulators.Music: soundtracks, doujin music, classicalLiterature: I enjoy mystery and fantasy genres the mostCookingWebsite and graphic design + codingArchival Studies: my focus in my majorHamsters!!


JP FGO: 459 271 486GBF: 14734839Dragalia Lost: 2833 6640 404Arknights Global: Novas#2833FFXIV: lycelle astarinn of hyperionPSN: Lycelle_Steam: samarecarmPrivate Twitter: @thancred_

Roleplay Accounts

warrior of light - drk ( final fantasy xiv )
arjuna alter ( fate/grand order )